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Friday, May 3, 2019

GoodData goes rogue on weeds

Today we had a super VTO day at PG with the fine folks at GoodData. They came over and spend 2 jam packed hours pulling weeds from what I initially thought would be a smallish area... and ended up being a lot more than expected.

First of all, we set to work at the very top of the garden. Partly because the weeds there are bad, and partly because the building next door, longtime home of the Brickley Production Services business aka our friends Gary and Annelle, is being torn down. This is very sad for us, although they have a great new building for their business.

And the demo was in full swing... and mildly terrifying. As heavy machinery crunched through the building we stayed away. I was scared to think that the plants along the cactus wall would be destroyed, and while we had loads of warning and moved everything we physically COULD move, it's still sad to think of plants being crushed.

I took some drinks over to the workmen, and asked them please to be careful... and by some miracle, so far only the Opuntia at the front took a hit. Fingers crossed they manage to keep up the track record tomorrow when more demo happens.

Back to GoodData! They cleared the top bed lightning fast, trimmed up a Dasylirion and cut back some Chasmanthe, removed pups from an Agave americana and quickly tidied the area.

We moved on to weeding paths and cutting back more Chasmanthe in the other beds, as well as Narcissus and Amaryllis belladonna leaves that are past their sell by date.

The sun was so warm and it was all rather jolly, so the end of the workday crept up on me. We hauled armfuls of weeds and foliage to the massive pile at the top of the garden and let the team go home to clean up and relax. Hope they come back - they were awesome!

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