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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Rescue operation

Today Matt and I walked up the street to the construction area to try and find out which agency tore out MCG yesterday. Calls and emails to DPW and SFPA have so far yielded no concrete answers. 

The construction manager on site apologized and said he was just following orders. His company's site manager was called down to talk to me and apologize too - after all they're just following orders. 

They showed me the plans, signed off by DPW in August 2014. So there's that. And they let us into the area all the plants were dumped in. We rescued 3 wheelbarrows of Dietes, a clump of Chasmanthe bulbs and 2 Agaves. Everything else was too torn up to make it... So sad. 

I spent the rest of the day planting and watering the rescued plants while Matt wrote an obituary for his brother. Yes, a crap week on the whole. 

1 comment:

  1. "Just following the orders".
    It didn't work at the The Nuremberg trials and it' doesn't work today.


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