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Friday, July 3, 2015

Genentech Gets the Gardens into Shape

Many thanks for the volunteers from Genentech that spent their volunteer time at all three of the gardens (!) a few weeks ago. This crew works well together at Genentech to make the best medicines possible, and they also did a fantastic job as a team making our gardens even more beautiful and well-kept. I also work at Genentech, and it's a big privilege for our gardens to be part of the annual Genentech Gives Back Week activities.

So much went on at the workday that I'm just going to have to give the highlights. First, I was onsite early in the A.M. to receive a truckload of mulch that was kindly provided by a local arborist. Once the volunteers arrived at 1pm we divided into teams; Gina, a neighbor of Annie's and a Genentech employee, led a group at the Pennsylvania Railroad Garden taking care of a ton of trash down there and watering the crispiest trees.

Another group went to the Triangle Garden to clear trash and weeds. Long-time volunteer Nate was on-hand with his baby Malcom to help get another group started weeding the left bed, and I started groups removing weeds from the pathways and clearing the weeds and annual pruning of the Salvia dog-area in preparation for the mulch. I ran between all the groups answering questions and checking if anyone needed anything, and we had a great time chatting and working together.

Grubby toe or grubby root?
 It gave us a double take
 when we turned the compost! 
After all the weeding, pathway clearing and distribution of fresh compost to some needy plants, the teams changed gears and began distributing the mulch. You can see in the photo it was a huge pile, and we were fortunate to have pitchforks, shovels and wheelbarrows provided by DPW. Pathways were swept and compost turned; we were able to wrap up by 4pm and enjoy the well-kept gardens!
Many hands really do make light work and it is the consistent effort of the volunteers that keep the gardens going - thanks to everyone who participated, and I'm glad to welcome you back next year!

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