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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A Clear Cut Success of a Volunteer Workday & UCSF Special Event

Scraggly Calindrinia cut back into
 shape now that they're done flowering.
Thanks Michael!
Saturday was a big day at the gardens, and for the gardens! As many of you know, we hosted our monthly volunteer workday, which is always a lot of fun and keeps the gardens looking spiffy. We were also invited to participate as a community group in the UCSF Medical Center kick-off celebration. Before we get into all the fun that was event, let me tell you about the workday.

Eliot and Josh
 all smiles with their pruners
Michael, Nate, Eliot and his friend Josh (on vacation!) did a transformative job cleaning up the gardens on Saturday. As a team we trimmed back the Agapanthus and Calindrinia along the perimeter, cut back the growth that was invading the pathways and pulled a fair number of weeds in the process too. All the pruning and clearing took nearly the entire workday, but we were keen to also pickup the mountain of trash that had accumulated at PRG! We ran down the hill and did a quick but thorough job fishing out all the debri that had
Jackie and Ryan get the booth ready
collected/been dumped at the park. Meanwhile, Anna and her crew was at the Triangle Garden getting it whipped into shape - I was so busy with my crew I didn't get a chance to chat with them - but way to go team!

After the workday was over, I quickly went home and regrouped for the big UCSF Medical Center kick-off celebration. Jackie, Rick, Alison, Ryan and my mom Debbie all lent a hand during the event, making it a big success. Unfortunately Annie and Matt were out of town, but they were able to pick up some stellar plants that looked great at the event and will make a nice addition to the gardens, so they were there in spirit!

"I wish cancer ended! Also be a doctor"
Thanks to a generous donation from the UCSF Medical Center, and the 'OK' from Sequoia Productions, we created a Wishing Tree for the event. The event had barely started and we had bunches of UCSF staff, kids, families even dogs coming up to check out the Wishing Tree. I had always hoped people would use the opportunity to write something thoughtful about what the hospital meant to them, and I was amazed by the emotion a few people poured out in their words to us volunteers, and in writing on the Wishing Tree. It was a very fun and fulfilling day to say the least, and we met a lot of great people. I've include a few photos here, and you can find more on my website.

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