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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Volunteer Excitement & Shed Disappointment

Leslie making quick work
of the grass that was taking over
The weather yesterday morning may have been a bit gloomy, but a bunch of enthusiastic volunteers turned out to spiff up both Pennsylvania Garden and the Triangle Garden. So much was done at both gardens I will run through the highlights, with photos!

All smiles while working at the garden
A quick aside, our shed was broken into last week and a random assortment of things were were taken, including all of our pruners. The saddest thing is that all of the supplies are worth more to us in terms of cost and effort to replace them than they are to the crazy person who busted through our shed. Oh well. I promise to get all the tools back in order for the next workday. Now onto the photos!

Excited crew at the Triangle Garden
At Pennsylvania Garden Annie and Matt worked together to turn the compost and spread the finished compost around the garden. Quickly done with that heavy work, they set about to cleaning up the back slope area and added a few hardy plants that were waiting on the terraces in pots. Meanwhile, Leslie, Joanne, my mom Debbie, and I plowed through the left front bed, removing all the weeds and dead growth from the Agapanthus and Alstromerias. Our weeding party then moved on to the back middle
Chris and Ann giving
 the garden a 10 out of 10
bed and surrounding pathways, including trimming up the variegated mint that was getting out hand and blocking the pathway. At the Triangle Garden the crew pruned and weeded, leaving the garden in much better shape. It was a very productive workday, and as shown, the compost bin was pleasantly full by the end.
A full bin after a full workday
Many a neighbor came to visit during the workday, often saying something like 'Wow, this is great, thank you!' and from the doggie visitors, we received encouraging snuggles. One of the best compliments we received was from Chris, enthusiastically giving the gardens a '10 out of 10'! I hope to see you all as volunteer and visitors at our next workday, Saturday September 6th!

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