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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Genentech Workday Wow!

Shrub takeover thwarted
 in the dog area
First off, if you came to the workday and you're reading this, take a moment to congratulate yourself on all that you did today. Entire pathways were cleared, huge piles of branches removed and areas of mess and mayhem in the garden were reclaimed as beautiful and orderly places. Your work today was phenomenal as anyone can see by looking at the photos. not to mention the full debris box! A quick shout out to DPW and Recology, without their donation of a bevy of equipment (thank you!) and a debris box (thank you!) this workday would not have been such a success. I also want to point a few really special things that happened today, apart from the physical changes at the gardens.

Listening to the World Cup and
turning the compost on a sunny day.
 Can life get better?
+30 people in total came to the workday and after a very brief overview people got right to work. I'm talking instant action here - people identified themselves as leaders, split into groups and took on big, difficult tasks involving sharp implements, wheelbarrows and spiky branches. Volunteers from legal, research, HR, manufacturing, process development, you name it, they were digging in like seasoned landscaping professionals. I think in under 10 minutes everyone was plowing through their work and happily talking with colleagues. WOW!
Enthusiasm was running rampant
 all over the gardens today
Even PRG was worked over;
trash removed, weeds cleared
and trees watered
If I had to build a bridge across a raging river, I'd want to this crew, they get things done!

In addition to instantly engaging themselves fully in their work, everyone was keen to identify new tasks, learn skills, and use the appropriate tools (and keep track of them!). For me as a coordinator it is a joy as I'm helping a group of volunteers finish up some gardening to see that other volunteers have already neatly stacked tools, paired gloves, and other supplies thoughtfully put away in the shed.

Sparkling pathways! I love a clean pathway.
I'll let the photos tell the rest of the story, and you can view the entire album here. If you'd like to add photos to the album please send them to me at emily@psgsf.org .
Also, many thanks to Genentech for organizing the 'Genentech Gives Back Week', providing opportunities for us employees to get out into the community and volunteer.

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