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Saturday, May 3, 2014

..and I quote "Center of Happiness"

Here the come!
 Kids ready to explore the garden
 Not only did a mini-heat wave hit SF this week, but we had two fun happenings at the garden! I was invited visit Live Oak School again this year to give a Changemaker lecture, followed by a tour of the gardens AND we had our monthly volunteer day.

Jeff, Ryan and I pause
during fennel extraction

The kids seemed to have a great time exploring the garden and asked a lot of good questions, and as one kid put it to their teacher, that the being at the garden was like being at the "Center of Happiness". I like that. I can't say every day at the gardens feels like that, especially on days when we move big piles of mulch or gravel, but it does pretty often for me. I hope so for our other volunteers too. I know that at least Eliot enjoys moving gravel!

Bekah, Eliot and Nate knee-deep in plants

Today we had our workday that was bursting with energy and volunteers - there seems to be a correlation there - and we subsequently rid much of the fennel and assorted weeds from PRG. A big thank you to Jeff, Kimberly, Nate, Paulina, MaryBekah, Ryan and Eliot. Anna took on the Triangle Garden, which is no small task, and she is almost single handedly keeping that garden in shape.

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