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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Weeding after rain is so much fun

Today's volunteer workday was great - the sun shone down heartily and we had new volunteers! Jackie, Amanda, Dana and Eliot dropped by to join Matt and I and we all weeded with enthusiasm, which is just as well since rain = weeds.

Matt planted a massive Phormium donated by Phoenix recently, and also moved a Cortaderia that was being swallowed alive by giant Salvias in the dog area.

Jackie, Amanda and Dana cleared out the lower pathways - they'd become overgrown with Euphorbias and Aeoniums.

Matt and I also cleaned up the front bed - I moved a couple of Tulbaghias and we filled two compost bins to way overflowing with weeds. Oh, and I turned the compost too.

Anna and Mary cleaned up the Triangle Garden and also noted the weeds are rampant there. Who's up for a second workday this month? We need an army of weeders!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to have been at home sick and missed the workday - great reading about it, looks like a fun and productive day. I'll be up for a make-up workday later in the month!


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