Welcome to PSG

Monday, April 21, 2014

Still a bright horticultural spot

Annie is sooo right! All of the gardens are fluffed out with new growth from the sunshine and rain, and that includes an army of weeds. Despite this weed invasion, overall things are looking good, and we hosted a tour Saturday afternoon for Crima's class from the City College of San Francisco.

Eliot & Gillian smiling post-egg hunt;
more fun than when we shovel gravel
at volunteer workdays? Nah!
A good group assembled for a lecture and tour, and I talked for probably far too long about all of the different puzzle pieces that went into making the gardens happen; PSG, PRG (which basically encompasses the Mariposa Center Garden now), and the Triangle Garden. Whew! The students asked good questions and it was a lovely afternoon to be out in the garden, even despite the weeds.

On Sunday I showed up with a group of family and friends for an egg hunt at PSG, and there was another group there with the same idea! It warmed my heart to see others out and about enjoying the garden. We invite you to come out the gardens for our next volunteer day, Saturday May 3rd from 10am-Noon. It will be a great time to make some headway against the weeds and keep the gardens looking good!

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