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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Fence Fixation

Vicious guard dogs
Blue and Bentley
Having just removed the graffiti from the fence the previous weekend, I felt pressure to properly seal off the entrance to the area behind the fence on the North end as soon as possible. We had done this previously for the South end with good results. Lucky for me, that while I do not enjoy building things, my fiance Ryan was practically born with a hammer in his hand and greatly enjoys projects. It was also a nice sunny day so our good friend and neighbor Bob and his dog Blue came along to help and hang out. Then, another friend and often volunteer at the garden, Nate, rode by on his bicycle and stopped to help. The adult count is now up to 4, and the dog count steady at 2.

Ryan at work
Ryan and crew made quick work of cutting the boards to length, setting the post properly, and screwing in the necessary brackets. A few well wishers stopped by, including volunteers Stephanie, Trevor and their family. Alison and Rick were kind enough to let us borrow their cordless drill when ours ran out of battery, so I got in a nice jog up and back from their house, and the project was finished well before dark. 

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