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Monday, January 21, 2013

Double fun workdays

Wendy & Masashi
 expert Salvia pruners!
There is so much going on at the street park and at Pennsylvania Garden, it's hard to know where to begin! On Sunday we had a momentus workday; we installed 3 out of the 4 BRCs with the help of many wonderful volunteers. I'm listing there names here, but be sure to check out the entire story on the 17th and Pennsylvania Avenue blog too.

A big thank you to: Wendy, Jackie, Eliot, Luke, Jenny, Carlin, John, Matt, Annie, Anna, Mary, Debbie and David!

The finished product;
fresh growth uncovered
Today we had another workday to take care of things at Pennsylvania Garden. Wendy came back for more gardening, and brought along Masashi too. I taught them how to prune back some Salvia leucanthus and they clipped back one in the dog area and another on the way to the bench. JT came a bit later, and helped get branches ready for the compost heap before setting off to deadhead and otherwise tidy up the Agapanthus. Nice! Meanwhile, I rearranged some Helleborus orientalis into a nicer configuration and moved two Glaucium flavum to create a grouping with the Glaucium already in the brights bed; they will be much happier there with more sun. To finish up the workday we weeded the bed at the top of the dog area and the bed by the kiosk in the front of the garden. Ryan came by to bring us some cold drinks (and walk our dog Bentley in the process) and we called it a day.

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