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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Goings on down the street

If you came to our workday yesterday and wondered where we were, you haven't been reading your emails from us closely enough - we were one block away on the 100 block of Pennsylvania Ave (now known as the Pennsylvania Railroad Garden) planting 23 trees.

When the rain lets up head on out and see what's going on in that long-neglected area of our city.


  1. Annie, the new trees are spectacular!!! You are a superstar. Thank you so much for your energy and dedication to this project.


  2. Thank you for being supportive for so long Jim! Makes it all worthwhile :)

  3. Such a great project to work on, I'm proud to have been part of your long-time efforts! What a difference a tree makes; but it'll be amazing with the rest!
    Oh, and I got the dirt out of my eye! :D

  4. Thanks Holly - you're a great sport: thanks for working so hard on Saturday! (and for encouraging others to come out on the 8th and the 15th) :)

  5. Jim, you are the superstar for taking care of the trash cans at Pennsylvania Garden!


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