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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Volunteer day: potting up

Patrick plants Aptenia
Today's volunteer workday started a little overcast and gloomy, but ended up sunny and fine as usual.

Things that got done:

John came over and traded me loads of Aptenia cordifolia cuttings for loads of Calandrinia spectabilis cuttings. A win for everyone!

Patrick then planted all the Aptenia cuttings into 4 flats as ground cover for the SPUR project (now known as the Pennsylvania Railroad Garden). He and Matt potted up all the Euphobia lambiis we have waiting for that project into 2 gallon or larger pots, as well as a load of Salvia "Anthony Parker."

Doryanthes palmeri
Patrick also swept the pathways into the garden neatly, which may seem like a pointless job with so much mulch floating around but it really makes a difference in my opinion. I like a neat path - so sue me!

Matt moved the Doryanthes palmeri (Spear Lily) from it's spot in the brights bed, completely hidden from view, to a much more prominent area as it deserves.

Eddy pruned back the naughty Dipogon lignosus vine on the arch at the entrance and stopped it's rampant spread into the next door bed. That was a task I was sort of hoping never to have to do, and Eddy made it so. The vine has had a severe haircut and should behave itself for a while now, fingers crossed!

Lavandula, Tibouchina
and Plectranthus
Bill and Jeanie cut back spent Chasmanthes, Cannas and Achilleas in the left and brights bed, and I moved the water sprinkler around and gave everything a nice drink. I also tidies the pots behind the shed and pruned several  branches from the cherry plum trees by the bench to let in more light and prevent heads hitting them when you go to sit down.

I potted up a flat of 4" pots of succulents and had a nice chat with Janet about how frustrating certain granting bodies who shall remain nameless can be, and the day was done.

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