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Thursday, May 17, 2012

More plantings...

Before and after: Aloes and fescues
Since I had to go out and water yesterday's plantings today, I added more plantings. And there are more plants waiting to go in. It's a spiral of insanity, I tell you.

After setting up the sprinkler I planted a Cape Rush (Chondropetalum tectorum) in the middle back bed. I think it might be in a too-shady spot, but we'll see. I added more loam, and removed the large and unhappy Aloe vera that was there in the very beginning of the garden, in the same bed. I'll put it somewhere it'll be happier. Next I added 5 clumps of Festuca glauca (Blue Fescue) and two Aloe maculata (a species that's very happy in that bed.)

Leucadendron agrenteum
While those were watering in, I planted a Leucadendron argenteum in the left bed, surrounded by five yellow Osteospermums. That'll be a nice display. That area got watered heavily too. Does that planting spot look familiar? Yes, just a couple weeks ago I planted a Dendromecon rigida in that exact spot, and in typical Dendromecon fashion it rejected life right away.... I guess you just have to plant them in the winter or don't bother. Sigh.

I also popped two lavenders into the lavender hedge where there are holes, and watered them a lot as it's very dry up there.

The entire time I worked I was surrounded by three Western Mockingbirds who were having a turf war of some sort. No musical tweeting from them as usual, but lots of angry chiding. Birds!

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