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Friday, May 18, 2012

Even sunnier

California poppies with
Lamb's Ears in the background
Today I had to get out and water the plants that went in the last few days, so I made an early start. I wanted to plant the remaining plants, but somehow got side tracked in weeding. I did identify a spot for the Kniphofia thomsonii though, so that's saved for later.

Several large loads of plants went in the compost bin, and woody or fibrous stuff got piled on the side as we're expecting a green waste debris box to be delivered for the next volunteer day, which we hope will reduce the big compost heap a lot.

I did cut back a Euryops (Bush Daisy) on the bottom path that was encroaching a bit, and planted a Brachyglottis "Silver Dormouse" by the steps.

A pink Cordyline and
silvery Cotyledon orbiculata
var. oblonga
I also discovered why the Western Mockingbirds were so upset yesterday. I was working underneath a Cordyline all day yesterday, and today I noticed a nest in it's crown: they were scolding me to get away from their babies! They were very busy ferrying food to their squeaking babies while I worked today. More Mockingbirds for the neighborhood, and less insects for me to worry about ;)

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