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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Take action: stop parking meters in front of P. Garden

As you may have heard MTA plans to blanket Potrero Hill in parking meters, without having done much in the way of studies to see if they're needed (well of course they "need" the revenue but do we "need" to pay it?)

Please email this, or your version, out today - let's flood mailboxes! Be sure to use the BCC field of your email and not the TO field to help avoid spam filters. Thank you!

MTABoard@sfmta. com, Edwin.Lee@sfgov. org, MayorEdwinLee@ sfgov.org,steve.kawa@sfgov. org, Ed.Reiskin@sfmta. com, Megan.Hamilton@ sfgov.org, Jay.Primus@sfmta. com, Timothy.papandreou@ sfmta.com,Allen.Greenberg@ dot.gov, Bond.Yee@sfmta. com, Sonali.Bose@ sfmta.com,Yvette.torres@ sfmta.com, Susan.Exline@ sfgov.org, Mathew.synder@ sfgov.org, Jane.Kim@sfgov. org, david.campos@ sfgov.org, Malia.Cohen@ sfgov.org, Eric.L.Mar@sfgov. org, Mark.Farrell@ sfgov.org,David.Chiu@sfgov. org, Carmen.Chu@sfgov. org, Christina.Olague@ sfgov.org, Sean.Elsbernd@ sfgov.org, Scott.Wiener@ sfgov.org,John.Avalos@ sfgov.org, sustainable. streets@sfmta. com

To Whom It May Concern:
I would like to make you aware of a couple of the financial facts behind SFPark, the SFMTA, and the new metering program they are rolling out, especially during this sensitive time period of budget planning.

The SFMTA's current budget contains a $28 million deficit, and next fiscal year (2013-2014) will run a $19.6 million deficit. Meanwhile the SFMTA is projected to spend $60 million in overtime this year, leading all other city agencies. This is $28.6 million over the budget for overtime, an amount equal to the year's entire deficit. Additionally the agency spends over $9 million on enforcement but gets none of the revenue from parking tickets.

SFMTA needs better solutions to its budget problems.

500-1000 new meters will generate only $500,000 to $1 million a year and be a disproportionate burden on residents in the eastern neighborhoods.

"Fixing" parking will not fix MUNI.

Finding better ways to manage parking and traffic in our neighborhoods can't be done with a "one-size fits all" approach to parking management. The SFMTA meter plan will negatively impact residential and non-retail commercial properties that do not want and do not need meters. PDR and other businesses are threatening to leave the city because they rely on street parking for business vehicles and employees.

Eastern Neighborhoods United Front (ENUF) asks that SFPark and Jay Primus LISTEN TO WHAT THE NEIGHBORHOODS ARE SAYING AND WORK WITH US to develop better solutions.

Your Name
Eastern Neighborhoods United Front, representing 2000+ individuals and businesses

cc: MTA Board, Mayor Ed Lee, Steve Kawa, Ed Reiskin, Megan Hamilton, Jay Primus, Timothy Papandreou, Allen Greenberg, Bond Yee, Sonali Bose, Yvette Torres, Sue Exline, Mathew Synder, Jane Kim, David Campos, Malia Cohen, Eric Mar, Mark Farrell, David Chiu, Carmen Chu, Christina Olague, Sean Elsbernd, Scott Wiener, John Avalos

2013-2014 SFMTA Operating Budget
http://www.sfgate. com/cgi-bin/ article.cgi? f=%2Fc%2Fa% 2F2012%2F03% 2F07%2FBAEI1NH06 7.DTL
http://www.sfgate. com/cgi-bin/ article.cgi? f=%2Fc%2Fa% 2F2012%2F03% 2F10%2FBA771NIMN I.DTL&tsp= 1

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