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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Warm, sunny, dry December gives way to...

...warm, sunny, dry January!

Nice weather for a volunteer day, which we had yesterday.  With me were Nate, Emily, Jessica, Jen, Bruce, Carlin and Matt. We took care of a few jobs, and it was a very relaxing time (compared to the nonstop work in December surrounding the shed)

Nate and Matt installed chains on the composter lids, so they don't flip back too far when you open them. Matt also moved the big lump of urabanite he dug up into position as a step by the shed.

Carlin trimmed up the big Phormium with her new knife/hori-hori, among other things, and Jessica, Jen and I planted the last of the daffodil bulbs. Better late then never. Bruce and Emily weeded, and the whole day was pretty chill.

Time to ponder new year's resolutions in the garden. What are yours?

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