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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Old and New

The garden received a thorough soaking from the storm yesterday, so I went over to check out if there was any storm damage and to pull some weeds. All of the plants were in great shape (no more giant Echiums to fall-in on themselves) but ourold storage locker had fallen over and smashed some plants. I put it back up, with bricks in the bottom for good measure, but a door had fallen off and I could not get it back on. Sorry for the eyesore everyone! I promise to get the old locker removed soon, and then we can work on extending the planting and making that area look good. Just avert your eyes from the sad old locker when you're walking along the back terrace.

In other news, some delivery person hung 'Galaxy Pizza' door knocker on our new shed (see photo). I had to laugh at it, someone walking all the way back there to leave the advertisement on a garden shed. Makes me almost want to buy their pizza!

Also, lots of plants are starting to peer out from the ground around the garden, so keep on eye out for the new growth. An Aquilegia (commonly
called a columbine) that I totally thought didn't survive the summer is coming back (see photo). There is something so rewarding to see a plant become dormant, and then come back to life in the spring. I hope you all are having a great rainy winter weekend!

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