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Monday, March 21, 2011

Rainy weekend

Dipogon lignosus
Well that was quite a storm. Some fierce gusts of wind and about an inch and a quarter of rain. Brings us up to about 18" since last July which is 103% of the normal average rainfall for the year so far, but it has felt wet recently.

And every time I stepped outside to visit the garden, another wave of rain came through and I retreated, shivering. I did get a couple pics yesterday though.

The very first flower has appeared on the vine climbing up the arch! Josh gave us seedlings of this vine, Dipogon lignosus (aka Dolichos lignosus) - the Australian Pea Vine or Cape Sweet Pea, which we hope will be covered in masses of pink soon.

Pink lavender
Another pink thing is the pink lavender in the lavender hedge. What variety is it? Nobody knows... must track it down. And must get more of these to dot around in the hedge.

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