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Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Last year I made a list of things to do in 2010. I just found it - let's see how we did:

1. Get a community challenge grant from SFPT. Done! Use that money to pay for materials for...
2. A handrail for the steps, Done! and
3. Shoring up the base of the steps area and storm drain, In progress... and
4. An information kiosk for the front of the garden,  Done! and
5. Some more solid edging/fencing/large end rocks for some of the beds that are prone to a lot of wear and tear from hoses, passers by and dogs. H'm, I am not sure we need this anymore - the plants are getting bigger... but a few big rocks would still really help.
6. Reorganize the back slope so that it has real terraces and you can walk on them, adding extra mileage to the pathways. Would be done if Caltrans would approve the plans!
7. Make real steps in the back area so access to the compost heaps is better. Would be done if Caltrans would approve the plans!
8. Set up the Pacific tree frog habitat with Gary and Jack's help. Not done :(
9.  Secure the tool cabinet better. Came up with a better plan to move it.
10. Swap out some of the more common species of plants for more unusual ones, where appropriate. In progress.
11. Encourage more people, pets and wildlife to visit the garden, join in, and feel they are a part of it all! Done!

So, what are the plans for 2011, you ask? I have a few ideas, but to start with how's this:

1. Finish the terracing and composting areas.
2. Have monthly field trips to gardens in the Bay area for volunteers.
3. Reorganize the red bed completely.
4. Don't water any plants for more then the weekly timed 30 minute sprinkle, and don't plant anything outside the rainy season. At. All.
5. Finish putting edging and aloes on the front area, and tidy away the large potted plants there.
6. Finish the fence in the dog area. Come on Caltrans - approve it!
7. Get Caltrain to fix the hole in the fence at the Mariposa Center Garden so we can finish planting there.
8. Encourage even more people, pets and wildlife to visit the garden, join in, and feel they are a part of it all!

Any more ideas? What do you think?

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