Welcome to PSG

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Volunteer Orientation Day this Saturday

Happy New Year supporters of Pennsylvania Garden!

As you know we're a volunteer-run nonprofit: we rely heavily on people like you to make the garden what it is. So we'd like to invite you to our New Volunteer Orientation Day this Saturday January 8th at 10am-12pm.

If you've never volunteered at the garden before, or even if you have, please come by: we will give a tour of the garden and explain our mission. After that you can tackle a small project from the list: weeding, pruning, planting and spreading wood chips (we're getting 30 yards of chips delivered Friday!). After that we will use all kinds of emotional blackmail to get you to come back and help us again! ;)

Wear sturdy shoes, and bring gloves, if you have them. We provide the tools, beverages and expertise! Rumor has it there may be cake too!

Hope to see you there!

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