Welcome to PSG

Friday, December 3, 2010

Volunteer day tomorrow!

Hey you! Come on out to the volunteer day tomorrow at 10am. We'll have Jamba Juice cards for everyone (donates 10% to PSG instantly!) and some fun tasks to take care of, such as... weeding! Twig border maintenance! Deadheading a mighty forest of Cannas! Prying concrete off the edges of the back border and planting Calandrinias there!

Every volunteer gets a free Agave americana pup too.  Whether they want one or not!

1 comment:

  1. As I was coming back from yoga this morning I noticed that yet another car parked in Pennsylvania Av. had been broken into. I think it is time to organize against this. There is an organization in San Francisco called "SF Safe" that organizes Neighborhood Watch Groups around the city.


    There is not yet a group on our street, but I would like to form one. Please let me know if you are interested in joining.

    Also there is a captain's meeting with the captain of the Bayview SF Police Station (Captain Suhr) the first Tuesday evening of every month at 6pm (including this next Tuesday). The meeting is held at the Bayview Community Room, 201 Williams Av. I plan to attend the meeting on Tuesday.



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