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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Street Parks Workshop

This just in from lovely Julia at SFPT:

Greetings! Please mark your calendars for our upcoming Street Parks Workshop, on Saturday, January 29th, 2011, from 9:30 am – 1:30 pm. Workshop location to be determined.

Why attend? You’ll:

  • Get inspired by seeing innovative garden sites on our Street Parks Tour
  • Get the inside scoop on granting opportunities for your greening project
  • Engage and share ideas with other street parks stewards
  • Discover best practices for gaining and keeping community support for your street park
This workshop is especially recommended if you have recently become involved in the Street Parks program. More information to follow in the new year.

All best,

Julia Brashares
Program Manager - Land Stewardship
San Francisco Parks Trust
McLaren Lodge
501 Stanyan Street
San Francisco, CA 94117-1898
Tel: (415) 750-5110
julia at sfpt.org

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