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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Do you like Jamba Juice?

If you're a health-conscious type who likes to start the day with some fruity goodness, you are probably a fan of the smoothie purveyor Jamba Juice. They were founded in San Luis Obispo, have their HQ in Emeryville, and they don't use high fructose corn syrup or any other nasty gack in their smoothies.

Why am I rambling on about them, you ask yourself? Well, they have a program called Community Appreciation Fundraising that we have partooken of recently, and it's an easy way for us to raise money for the garden. Here's how it works:

1. If you like Jamba Juice, we will give you a little keyring card with a barcode on it. We have 250 of them to give away!
2. Every time you head out to Jamba Juice you get them to swipe your card and 10% of your purchase goes to Pennsylvania Garden!

Wow - that's easy. Use the card and Jamba Juice makes an automatic donation - costs you nothing!

What's the catch? Um, there isn't one! Just get a card from Annie or Emily at a volunteer day, or send an email to Annie or Emily and we'll get a card to you ASAP. Thank you for supporting the garden!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Annie - updated the link so it goes to the 'Sip to support gardens' which is the program we're enrolled in.
    Hey everyone - many thanks to Jamba Juice! I'm so stoked that we can participate in their program. Please send us a note if you want to participate by getting a card.


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