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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sale and festival - fun times!

Yesterday's benefit plant sale and raffle were a great success for us: we raised $2241 to put towards to fencing of the dog area: that's twice as much as we made in May at the last sale!

At 8am we met Gary who'd donated the use of his tents, tables and chairs to us from Brickley Production Services.

Matt & Melissa
Melissa worked the cash box and sold raffle tickets, while Emily and I sold plants and advised customers on what would work for their garden or patio. Nataly arranged the plants beautifully and kept things restocked, as well as selling her own succulents (among other things) which looked lovely! Leah priced and trimmed, and Matt delivered what he described as "a billion" wheelbarrow loads of plants to people's cars, or even their houses if they lived locally. He even dug up a variegated Agave americana right out of the garden for one lady who just had to have it. It's OK - we have lots of others, and it was a tad crowded in that spot ;)

Leanne, Arum, Nataly and Phil worked the booth at the Potrero Hill Festival all day (after helping set up at the sale!) and their setup looked very professional indeed. They raked in the raffle ticket money, and gave away lots of dog treats too! How could Nataly have been at both events, you may ask? I think she must possess super powers ;)

Emily, me, Leanne,
Arum and Nataly

At the end of the day, Emily and I went up to enjoy the festival for a few minutes. There was dancing, there was eating, there was a petting zoo (um, it was total Cute City there - I almost rustled a little goat, they were so adorable!) and clearly a good time was had by all.

When we to back to the sale, Nate, Tanya and Michelle had come to help us tear down - thank goodness for them, because I for one was shattered! We had a few leftover plants that I'll probably put on craigslist next week, when I've had a chance to inventory them. And I need to announce the computer-selected winners of the raffle! Never a dull moment around here ;)

Pics to come soon - check out Emily's ones here!


  1. I see some of you have already got the T shirts with the new logo.Who is the designer?

  2. Matt designed the logo! Isn't it great?


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