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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Bike tour!
 I was out in the garden at 9 am labeling plants. In a little while, Emily came along and we labeled away while trying to prevent some small children from hurling themselves into agaves while their parents ignored them (!)

Around noon, 40 bicyclists converged on the garden! This was not a surprise – it was part of the Garden City Workshop & Bicycle Tour put on by San Francisco Parks Trust (SFPT) and Garden for the Environment (GFE). In fact, Julia from SFPT was cycling along with them!

Emily took pics while I did a very brief megaphone talk on how the garden got started. They asked questions, took brochures, and they were off to the next stop on their tour!

Kunzea baxteri
After this whirlwind of activity Emily and I finished up some labeling, noticed the first ever flowers on our Kunzea baxteri, and then drove to Flora Grubb Gardens to get a raffle prize. We were immediately struck by a 5 gallon Salvia “Limelight” in a tall, matching green ceramic pot that set off the violet-blue flowers amazingly well. Saw it. Wanted it. Had to have it. Got it. Yeah!

Next we went to Flowercraft and got a load of plants for Emily’s upcoming UCSF demonstration garden. My patio is full to the brim with plants – will we sell them all? I hope so!

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