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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tropical addition

This morning, at the crack of 8.40 am, I was at the garden to meet John and Channing who had apparently got there earlier than I expected and planted a Mexican Fan Palm (Washingtonia robusta)! This is an extremely slow-growing palm, but the one we have is already 6' tall. It looks simply gorgeous in the left bed!

After the guys left I watered it in, and set about removing the Evening Primroses from the left bed that were done flowering and looking quite scruffy. I planted some daffodil bulbs along the edge and tidied up - that area is ready for some new plantings as soon as the rains start.

I also tidied up the tool cabinet, labeling various boxes of items and making it a lot neater, and collected trash. Then I planted some Evening Primroses in pots, and a few pieces of Teddy Bear Cholla (Opuntia bigelovii) too. I watered the front border a little, especially the  Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae) John planted there yesterday, and deadheaded the Daylilies there. Matt showed up and watered a bit too.

All done by 1pm - I'm hungry!

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