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Friday, September 10, 2010

GreenTrust 22nd Street Greening supporters

  • I got a message from Janet at GreenTrust - can you help her with this project?

  • GreenTrust is applying for a San Francisco Parks Trust grant (request due Sept 10) and we are required to have individuals pledge some volunteer hours to help complete the project. Can you pledge 2-6 hours (or more!) over the months of Oct., Nov. Dec. 2010 to help coordinate volunteers, solicit pledges/in-kind services, open sidewalks, move dirt, plant trees and small plants, install bike rack, or pledge $ money for this project? If so, please email back today or asap to jc at jcarpinelli.com or call 415 282-5516 with your name and contact information. You may give your email address or phone number as contact info. We will contact you as the project gets closer to actual dates when we will need volunteer help. For more information and updates on this project see  http://www.gtsfcw.org/projects.htm  and http://mydogpatch.org/group/gtsfcw

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