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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Gingers on the move

Last week I sent out a call for help watering the garden to our list of dedicated volunteers, and they responded! Today I had some great help in the garden: Gina, Miyuki and Matt spent several hours getting things watered and tidied.

Gina deadheaded a mountain of Cannas. Miyuki watered dozens of plants, Matt removed the ginger (too thirsty!) and made about 30 one gallon pots of it for the sale. I set up a soaker hose that Jim donated around the Brugmansia, Fuchsia and Dahlia imperialis (Tree Dahlia) with Miyuki's help.

After that, Gina, Miyuki and I watered the Mariposa Center Garden and then set up water jugs for the midweek watering.

All this watering! Came to find out that our sprinkler has only been on for 15 minutes a week the last 2 months. That explains a lot! Hopefully our pal Robert can set it for at least 45 minutes for us from now on.

I spent until 3.30 watering and trimming, moved some Thymus and had a nice chat with Juana about bees. She also gave me a good gardening book and some pruners! Thanks Juana!

Photos from top to bottom show lovely Rudbeckia hirta flowers from Matt's dad, gingers (Hedychium coronarium) all potted and ready to sell, and a nice combination of foliage in the Moby Dick bed with purple Cordyline, variegated Echium candicans, blue-green Euphorbia rigida and my favorite little Tanacetum ptarmiciflorum “Silver Lace Bush” that is doing so much better in the shade!


  1. I like your Tanacetum ptarmiciflorum photo. Does it have photos like a ptarmigan? White if in winter plumage to camoflage against the snow. Corbie

  2. No it stays pretty much the same, but I like the name almost as much as the plant!


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