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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Busy weeks, but not in the garden

Arum, Emily and I have been hard at work for the last few weeks preparing two massive grant proposals. One is the Community Challenge Grant and the other is a PUC grant, and both will go to fund the SPUR project (now known as the Pennsylvania Railroad Garden), which we hope to break ground on in the fall.

We're all desperate to get back out into the garden though! It feels like we're missing the summer, stuck in countless meetings with contractors, landscapers, architects, sound engineers and representatives of the city and other agencies, as well as plant, tree, rock, gravel, lumber and compost suppliers... not to mention the hours of painstaking writing, editing, formatting, printing and collating.

The grants are due to be hand delivered by Arum today at 4pm. What an accomplishment: Go team! And thank you for your dedication to this pivotal task. :)

I'll leave you with a photo of the garden taken recently...


  1. Great photo Annie. Which botanic garden is this?

  2. Why, it's Pennsylvania Garden - an official San Francisco Street Park! ;)


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