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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Slight rain

Well I awoke to the sound of rain today - would have been great for the garden which is a bit parched, except it was a very light rain. I went out and watered and did a few other tasks from 10am-2pm.

Matt planted five yellow iceplants (Lampranthus aurantiacus)around the base of the Agave scabra we planted yesterday. I tidied the Calla lilies (entering summer dormancy unless they get more water!) and watered the steps area and back slope plants thoroughly. Deadheaded the Kniphofias and roses. And sold several plants to Mark who came to us via Craigslist. He came back later for more plants and gave me a few too! One was a Dudleya cutting I think - mmm,  I like Dudleyas... :)

There's SO much to do in the garden. I am desperate for help weeding and fixing up the twig borders. I will have to think of ways to get more volunteers to help. Perhaps I can lure them with donuts and coffee? ;)

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