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Friday, May 21, 2010

Another guest spot on NEN

Adam from the Neighborhood Empowerment Network has once again asked me to do a guest blog spot on his web site, and I thought I'd cover various aspects of the financial side of gardening this time - what to do when the height of your vision exceeds the depths of your pockets!

Neighborhood Empowerment Network, Thursday, May 20, 2010
From Guerrillas to Grants

Matt and I had our customary bagel in the garden this morning and noted that many Agapanthus that were meant to have blue flowers are actually white, and a clump of Silene coronaria (Rose Campion) that is meant to be white are showing hot pink buds. I swear these plants sit around at night thinking of ways to confound me...
Pic above shows a butterfly on a Statice (Limonium) that Boj snapped a while back 'cos I forgot to take a pic today.

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