Welcome to PSG

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Meeting report

Last night's meeting was a great success - thank you all for coming out. We met representatives from DPW (Sandra Zuniga) and SF Parks Trust (Julia Brashares) who guided us through the process of creating a street park. They also shared information that DPW may be able to repave the street for us, which is truly fantastic news!

We also heard from:
Ed Patuto (accepted vs. unaccepted streets)
Matt Petty (preliminary garden layout)
Emily Gogol (grants available, and how to get them)

We developed a plan of action:

1. Post "no dumping" signs.
DPW may have these available. Annie has requested.

2. Survey the actual area that the garden would occupy.
Can DPW survey this officially? We do not wish to plant on non-DPW property for fear of loss at a later point. Annie has requested.

3. Discover who owns the rest of the land.
Caltrain or Farallon or UCSF? It's possible they might contribute.

4. Clean and repave the street
With help from DPW crews.

5. Plan, fund and execute the garden.
Grants, grants, grants... Emily G. is on the case.

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