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Monday, March 22, 2010

Weekend work

Well we had quite a productive weekend in the garden. On Saturday Emily, Josh and I spent several hours preparing plants for our May 1st plant sale. Emily and I both left around 1pm but Josh soldiered on and accomplished a lot! We have loads of plants now potted up and ready to sell, and many, many succulent cuttings getting ready to root. Come on little guys - grow!

I also took more pics of new daffodils that have opened up - I think we are getting to the last few cultivars now, although last year the daffs flowered well into April if I recall. Top to bottom they are "Salome" and "Ice Follies" I think - faded?

For next year I think the typesI'd like to add are yellow with orange cups, double yellows, yellow with white cups, and white with green cups. Then we will have enough daffs. I swear.

On Sunday I met Emily at 8am at the garden, and we worked on the Mariposa Center Garden across from Center Hardware until 10am.We planted:

1 Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary)
1 Eriogonum grande rubescens (Red Buckwheat)
1 Eriogonum Giganteum var. Giganteum (St. Catherine's Lace)
3 Lupinus albifrons (Silver Bush Lupine)
1 Lupinus densiflorus aureus (Yellow Lupine)
1 Lavatera assurgentiflora (Island Mallow)

We mulched, and then added rolls of sod someone had dumped on the street, grass side down, as a weed barrier (works great!) and also chatted with Juana and her dogs Lucky and Rufus who are always an extremely happy pair. Then we left to go to Flora Grubb Gardens.

Flora, her partner Kevin, and another guy whose name I didn't catch were doing a talk on how to build vertical gardens, using the plastic wall-hanging multi-cell containers they sell (expensively!) Very informative, free talk - the handout is shown at left (with permission) and should be big enough to print out and read if you like. Matt has been trying his hand at making vertical gardens recently - might have some for available at the plant sale!

Later on we returned to the strip garden to water everything in, which is quite a production since our hose doesn't reach all the way down. Just ask Rick who watered the sunflowers last year! If anyone lives in the next door building perhaps we can enlist them to help watering the strip...

We also noted that Gary had re-finished the bench (looking good!) planted a 6 pack of Ajuga reptans "Mahogany" (Bugleweed) near the bench as a ground cover, and applied slug and snail killer to many plants. Phew!

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