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Saturday, March 6, 2010

The demise of the Princess Plant *sob!*

It is my sad duty to report that the Princess Plant (Tibouchina urvilleana) in the center of the garden has suffered a nasty accident. Looks like the wind tore it loose from it's stake and the main trunk has a horrible crack right through it (left.)

This was the first plant at the garden that piqued my interest in the entire project, and was placed there by Jim and Carrie. It's very sad that the old girl is damaged, and while she is an important part of the garden I don't think she will survive. I fear her fate is to be dug out and replaced with something else, as that much damage will kill her, or at the very least result in some very weak growth. As it is, she endured a hard pruning because she had a similar crack last year, but her trunk was just not strong enough in the end.

Please stop by and pay your respects before she is removed to the happy garden in the sky. :(

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