Welcome to PSG

Friday, February 5, 2010

Organizational whatnot

Today I made an email list for the site - it's in the right column entitled "Subscribe to our email list!" if you'd like to receive very occasional emails about happenings at the garden (plant sales, tours etc) then please sign up! I promise not to SPAM you.

I also moved the list of P. Garden sponsors to their own page, clickable from the right hand menu at the top of the page. The list was getting rather long - how wonderful that so many people support the garden! Thanks guys!

Lastly in other housekeeping news I have decided to hold a plant sale to benefit the garden. DPW and SFPT support this so I consulted with a few of P. Garden's closest friends and we talked about a few ideas. Looks like this will happen in late April or early May, and we are already propagating plants and looking for plant donations for the sale. I very much hope that this will fund some upcoming projects and also pave the way for us to receive grants from various agencies to make the garden better than ever.

Pic above shows a view of downtown over Gary's wall, and some nice orange Calendulas flowering away, in february!

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