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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Another productive day

Some days I look around at the garden and think "how am I ever going to get everything done?" Today, however, I had help from Emily. So we got a lot done ;)

I stared by visiting Joe at The Benches garden on 18th at San Bruno. he gave me a lot of Chasmanthe bulbs and some Bird of Paradise roots. Thanks Joe!

I then picked up Emily and we rushed off to get a rosemary, sage and avocado tree (potted) from Craigslister Ebbe. Sage and avocaodo for the plant sale, rosemary planted today (see below)

Then we went down to the new Mariposa Center Garden opposite Center Hardware, on Mariposa at Pennsylvania. Denise, Emily and I had been weeding the area and today Emily and I planted 10 clumps of Dietes (Fortnight lily) along the front, the rosemary and 4-5 clumps of Chasmanthe from Joe. The top photo shows Emily just as we were finishing up. It looks great!

We had lunch and went back to put up a sign so passing people could find out what was going on (directing them to the blog). Then we pruned and moved the Buddleja "Ellen's Blue" up to the red bed in P. Garden, watered, potted up some plants for the sale, and were completely exhausted by about 4pm. Hot, sunny day, too! Bottom photo shows sunny orange Arctotis and Calendulas.


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