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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Corn marigolds on probation

In case you didn't already know, sign language for Pennsylvania Garden is shown at left, demonstrated by Denise. From top to bottom: P. A. Garden! How cool is that? She demoed this last night while we were weeding the strip garden, and her pals Eli and Alex came by to help.

It rained today and we're due for a massive storm this week. So naturally I frittered away most of the day doing household chores but eventually Matt and I made it out to the garden for a couple of hours of hard manual labor.

We started by stripping corn marigolds from the kerb edge of the front bed. Vigorous little buggers they may be, but they were suffocating my little Gazanias and we can't have that. Next Matt started placing the edging pavers John gave us along the front, while I rearranged the Gazanias near the front. We got 10 pavers and a dozen Gazanias done and it looks quite neat - I am hoping the heavy rains will wash the sidewalk clean of all the dirt I couldn't sweep away ;) Another 20 pavers and we'll be done - and we'll have quite a few left over too!

Matt also planted an Argyranthemum frutescens (Marguerite Daisy) in the left bed, as well as a Lamb's Ear (Stachys byzantina). He also found two Mexican Feather Grass (Stipa tenuissima)
clumps hidden under other plants and relocated them to better spots, and weeded up around the bench.

Matt also managed to prune down the crazy blue Aster "Bill's Big Blue" which was done flowering and busily seeding and making replicas of it's insane self everywhere. Ack! If I died tomorrow the garden would become one big corn marigold/blue aster infested disaster zone overnight!

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