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Sunday, November 29, 2009

New species visits P. Garden!

I keep catching sight of that durn rabbit out of the corner of my eye and having palpitations! So today when we had yet another species visit the garden I almost jumped out of my skin. However, it turned out to be "someone" I know!

At first she was a bit worried - she kept looking back at her home, the lovely white Victorian on the corner.

But she trotted over, meowing the whole way!

Wait! What's that?! Over there!

She's a sweetie though!

Stylish in her green collar. She has a short tail - she looks like a bobcat.

And off she bounded to work on her camouflage. Which isn't bad at all, I might add.

In other news, I went to Home Despot (uh-oh) and get a flat of red Gazanias which I planted in the red bed and front bed. They were also having a half off bulb sale (woot!) so I got (and planted) 14 Narcissus tazetta
(scented geranium daffodils), 10 Narcissus triandrus "Thalia" (white scented daffodils) and 14 Narcissus "Salome" (pink and white daffodils). Yep - daffodil addiction in full swing, people. I have never seen a garden with daffodils in it and thought "my god, they've really overdone it  - too many daffs!" Never. Not once.

I should mention another great surprise: Anna was at the garden, weeding away, when I arrived today. Sweet! Can't beat that for a Thanksgiving moment :)

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