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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Easter? What the...? Oh snap!

On Thursday Emily planted a Scabiosa cretica from her own allotment to P. Garden. She also moved a Tulbaghia and I went by at lunchtime to water them in.

On Saturday Matt and I were planting succulents and Yucca tips around the garden from last week when Gary showed up.  "Quick! Come here!" he called to me "And be quiet - there's a rabbit in the garden!"

I rushed over, all agog to hear that a rabbit not only existed in the city, but had crossed multiple roads to get to the garden and was somehow hanging out in plain view! Gary and Matt were pointing to a small, furry form under the tree dahlia* which as I approached appeared to be a white rabbit. Oh well, I thought - a lost pet. We'll have to catch it...

But no. It was oddly still... in fact... it was dead. It was a taxidermied white rabbit attached to a piece of wood.

Right then.

On Sunday I went to Jo's house, and she gave me all sorts of plants for the garden. Thanks Jo! Then I met Emily in the garden. She's going to be planting up some bare spots in some beds and had prepared some printouts to show me her plans. She knows all sorts of cool flowers that will work in the garden - can't wait to see what she does!

Emily also planted 6 Calendulas and a Coreopsis in the back middle bed, thereby increasing the yellow:purple ratio to a much better balance.

Photo at left shows the view of the bench from the path below, with Callas in the front, and Crocosmias sprouting behind them.

*The tree dahlia snapped in the storm this week. Oh well - you had your chance to see it!


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