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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Google Maps - updated!

I am fond of a good 'before and after" picture set. helps you see how far you've come. Gary recently told me that the Google maps team had been out in their wacky vehicle updating the street view images for our area. And they got the garden, too!

If you Google "271 Pennsylvania Avenue, San Francisco, CA" and then click on the red pin marked "A" and select "street view" you will see it. Or just click here! I think that is Annelle in the picture too! If that's all too tricky, take a peek at the image left that I saved showing the before image (top) and after (bottom.)

Looks like they took the photos in around May or June, but updated them online just recently. I wonder when they'll do it next, and what the garden will look like then?

PS I saw this today - it's about the guys who drive the Google maps car. Pretty funny.

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