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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Today I had a meeting with our gal Becky from Caltrans and friendly Sandra from DPW. Robert of Triangle Garden fame came too and we all got togther and talked encroachment permits. Fun times!

Caltrans, as you may recall from my frequent bleatings, are unnerved by the arch/bench/steps and so on, and wished them gone. So they hooked up with DPW, who are extremely relaxed about such things, and DPW are going to oversee that stuff. Not assume liability*, as I'd first thought, but certainly help with tool loaning, workshops, maybe even volunteers! And Sandra loved the bench. All I have to do is more (groan) paperwork. Everyone's happy!

So after much back-patting and smiles all round, I dragged Sandra and Becky down the street to the area in front of Center Hardware and asked if they might fix the fence so I can plant some agaves and bougainvilleas there. It's a bit of a homeless freeway but if the fence is put right, a few strategically placed agaves where the beleagered sunflowers are now will fit the bill - drought tolerant and, um, not conducive to snuggling up among.

Yes folks - just what I need. Another spot to garden on. Even my eyes are rolling!

Photo above: a lovely red iceplant (Lampranthus) and Agave 

* Who assumes liability? I don't know. Hope it's not me. Gulp.


  1. This is a great site! Beautiful asters and I'm sure your daffodils will be stunning. :)

  2. Thanks! Got to get those bulbs in the ground today :D


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