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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

For Pulgita

Today was a sad one - my little cat suffered a blood clot that cost her her life very early this morning. After we returned from the vet in a state of deep gloom I decided to spend a little recuperative time in the garden. I picked up some bright, sassy, not to say garish flowers to plant in her honor.

- Pelargonium x domesticum (Geranium) "Martha Washington" - it's very deep purple.
- Marigolds - 6 deep red ones
- Verbascum hybridum (Mullein) "Banana Custard"
- Lantana camera x monetvidensis "Gold Mound" - 2

Got them in the ground, threw a few buckets of water on them, and retreated to the house to ponder the mystery that is death.

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