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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Late night watering.

Yesterday evening I came home and set to work trying to catch up with all the plants kindly donated recently.

I finished the 6 holes at the top of the garden and planted Rick's gorgeous big lavenders there.

I made two big holes in the front bed for Leah's clumps of Agapanthus.

Next Leah's Cannas went in the Canna bed.

Finally Matt came home and we watered until 9.30pm. Still have some plants to put in but they are types that can wait a little longer.

In the midst of all this I had lots of visitors: John, Gary, Jim, Carrie, David, Brad and finally Emily who brought a MASSIVE bunch of her own flowers because she felt sorry for the hassle the garden's having (see pic above). I must say, if this is what I get for having hassle, it's worth it! :D

This morning Michelle and her husband Carl came by with a big Opuntia and a clump of Agapanthus and we had a nice little walk around the garden before I rushed off to work. The Opuntia needs a good spot - I'll have to rearrange a bit to make a place to show it off!

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