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Sunday, July 5, 2009


(Left: the garden viewed from 18th St - top is 2006 (courtesy of my dad), bottom 2009. Note the big Monterey pines are gone now, and the ornamental cherries are new.)

Today I got a nice surprise. Neighbors Ron and Alison (separately) told me that someone in the 'hood posted some kind words about the garden on the Potrero Hill neighbors Yahoo group!

Alison forwarded the message, and I'm going to post it here because, darnit, I'm feeling proud:

Want a treat? next time you're at Farley's, walk down to the intersection of 18th and Pennsylvania street and look at this magical work in progress.

A neighbor on the block has been lovingly turning that nasty chunk of public property into an exquisite garden of succulents and hardy blooming visual delights. Paths to walk through it. Dogs welcome!!! Gorgeous entrance gate. Compost in the back. Even some roses!

I know nothing about this obviously enormous project but a nice couple was walking their dogs there while i was exploring and said that one person, who has a blog about it, organized the donation of plants, the creation of the gate, and has weekend after weekend been planting and building and ... wow.

I can't tell you how cool it was to walk through this little gift.

How nice is that? I hope the person who wrote it doesn't mind me putting their words here - I'm going to join the group and see if anyone on it wants to join in the gardening fun!

In other news, today I flattened a 6' wide area for the bench to go on (left). It's under the furthest back cherry tree, by the trellis/arch in a shady spot. I have enough bricks piled there to make a pad I think. Very rocky, so the digging bar was employed. I don't have a level which I need to get, to make sure it's flat. Then I'll lay down black plastic, sand, and then the bricks. Gary says he will concrete in the bench - not sure how that will work yet. I also need to figure out how to prevent the bricks from sliding down slope - I expect some landscape timbers will be employed.

I have planted paperwhites, sage, buddleja, star jasmine and all sorts of other sweet-smelling stuff in the area for a nice scent on the breeze. Should be pretty cool, and I have lots of room there for more plants as inspiration strikes.

Evening update: I got an email from neighbor Tim who heard about the garden from the Potrero Hill email list and, I think, another list (I got confused by all the email lists and accolades flying about when he was telling us!) We went round to visit him and not only was he full of good ideas for getting garden donations, but he also has some plants for the garden. Yeah!


  1. I have not visited the garden yet. But this sounds so great! Thank you for all your hard work. It is great to have you in the neighborhood!

  2. Thank you! It has been such a fun project so far - please come visit soon :)

  3. I am one of the peeps who learned of your gardening efforts from the yahoo group, though I had of course noticed the lovely garden already! Thanks for all the neighborly beautifying, -Patrick (@Arkansas/19th)

  4. You are very welcome! Please drop by often - and if you want to do a bit of gardening, let me know. I could use some help :)


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