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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Turn me over - I'm done

Got totally fried today in the garden - it was probably well over 80 degrees there, thanks to the Potrero Hill warmth, and Gary's wall reflecting the sun. Everything was wilting, including me, and my parents. Whew!

Yesterday we went to the Berkeley Arboretum and wouldn't you know it, the damn place had plants for sale. Of course, during this Week Of Excess (parental visit, all stops pulled out) I had to get a few. It was hard to choose...

We planted them, and a few previously bought things, today:

- 2 Oxalis spiralis subsp. vulcanicola "Burgundy"
- Dasylirion wheeleri (in my price range. In other words, small - it will take 10 years before you will notice it.)
- Romneya coulteri (Matilija Poppy)
- Dahlia imperialis (Tree Dahlia)
- 9 Crocosmia "George Davidson" bulbs
- 1 Hymenocallis festalis bulbs (Peruvian Daffodil, Spider Lily)
- 2 Hymenocallis "Sulphur Queen" (Peruvian Daffodil, Spider Lily)
- Agastache aurantiaca "Apricot" (Hyssop)
- Calla lilies (OK, to be correct I suppose I should be calling them Zantedeschia)
- packet of Linum grandiflorum var. rubrum (Red Flax) seeds from Joan

Joan actually mailed me four big packs of seeds, and I'm going to add one of them (wildflower mix) to the sunflower row at the bottom of the street on May 2nd, and the other two (Layia platyglossa (Tidy Tips) and Gazania) that are left might get saved for fall, as they need a bit of winter rain to get started.

We also weeded the steps area, my mum moved a lavender and my dad moved a big jade plant that Matt had dug up the other day to a better spot.

We also went to see Kepa today, who has been propagating seeds for us in her greenhouse. We picked up some Gallardias, sunflowers, callas, a lemon mint, rosemary and some mysterious and interesting plants that germinated from the seeds Leah gave us. Kepa has a bunch of big fat sunflowers for the May 2nd planting - oooh, it's going to be awesome!

Anyway, thank goodness for Kepa, Joan and Leah, because since my parents are leaving tomorrow and the Week of Excess is over, I won't be buying any more plants for a while (no, really!) but I will have lots of seedlings and seeds to plant. :)

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