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Monday, April 6, 2009

May 1st, International Sunflower Guerrilla Day!

I've just learned that May 1st is International Sunflower Guerrilla Day! Since we were recently given a big bag of sunflower seeds by Jes, we planted up about 20 wells in a flat, which Kepa has been growing for us in her greenhouse. Today we got another flat, and plan to fill it with sunnies, just in time to get a start on life before May 1st. Check out the Facebook page too.

Options for where to put them in P. Garden are a bit limited though - the sunny wall is full of succulents, and the edges are too windy. So I thought we could clear and plant the strip at the bottom of the street (Pennsylvania and Mariposa) in front of a billboard, that currently grows nothing but a big crop of fennel each year.

Well, then, let's do it! Anyone want to come out and pop a few cute sunflower plants in the ground on May 2nd (a Saturday which is a bit more realistic for us)?

Leave a comment below if you're up for it and we'll provide the sunflowers and/or seeds. :)

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