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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Babies cast out into the world

Last night Matt and I planted the Gaillardias I'd grown from seed. Kepa nurtured them along in her greenhouse and they are now out in the cold, cruel world to fend for themselves! They are quite tiny; fingers crossed that they dig in and make a go of it - the front and Canna beds need some bright red and orange flowers.

We also planted a tub of Blue-Eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium bellum) from Anne. This is a gorgeous native in the iris family that looks like a grass, but has pretty purple flowers with a yellow center. Someone needs to have another stab at the common name, I think...

Max, Denise, James and doggy friend dropped by to say hi, and I chatted with Jess, Sophia, Annelle, Gary, Jim, John, Paul and Don, as well as the usual cast of dogs, and neighbors whose names I don't know (hi to Pistol's parents!)

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