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Monday, March 23, 2009

Wine country plant spree

This weekend I was away in the wine country being spoiled by Matt. Naturally this involved trips to nurseries and the inevitable plant buying happened. In fact I went on a Sedum bender. I really tried not to buy stuff, but it was futile. (Yeah, really!)

This is what we got:

Cordyline australis "Festival Grass" (expensive, not easy to propagate, but red and fancy!)
3 x Sedum rupestre "Angelina" (cheap, easy to propagate)
Sedum spathulifolium ssp. pruinosum "Carnera" (ditto)
Sedum telephium ssp. ruprechtii "Hab Grey"
Sedum telephium "Autumn Delight"
Dodonaea viscosa (Purple Hopseed Bush)
Trachelospermum jasminoides (Star Jasmine - for the other side of the trellis)
Senecio cineraria (Silver Dust)
Puya venusta
Brugmansia of some sort - it's white.
Heuchera "Dolce Key Lime Pie"
Cotyledon orbiculata

...and another succulent (above - Senecio? Dudleya? Cotyledon papillaris?) I'll need to ID later.

I planted several plants, and watered before it got dark (wow - Caltrans gets some amazing water pressure!) and I also met neighbor John and his dog Riley who have been enjoying the garden for a while. Yeah! Pics to come soon.


  1. Great stuff! I really like how you bundled branches for the borders.

    I have a little succulent/guerilla garden going over on De Haro:


    Keep up the good work, and thank you for your efforts!

  2. Thanks Matt! I will have to come and visit your garden. I'm so happy to see other gardens popping up - maybe there should be a "guerrilla garden tour" of Potrero Hill!


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