Welcome to PSG

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Guerilla gardening - it's the cool, new thing, kids.

Hazel is a freelance writer, and she came across the blog and emailed me to ask if she could mention P. Garden in her blog spot on Sunset.com (Sunset being the famed magazine of West-coast living.) We had a nice chat, and I realized that her angle is that P. Garden is not, uh, 100% legitimate... So that made me a bit nervous. But Hazel went on to describe me as "awfully brazen" in the piece, which naturally tickled me.

Anyway, here it is.

San Francisco Guerilla Gardener - Fresh Dirt - Sunset.com

Leave a comment there - support the dangerous and illegal practice of planting pretty things on land you don't own! *gasp!* Foliar graffiti!


  1. I found this blog via the Fresh Dirt post.
    I'm just happy to find another San Francisco gardening blog!

  2. I loved your blog Thystle. Nice puple potatoes!


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